
It is said that the difference between a manager and an independent producer is the ability to delegate. We often come across people (many a times we are those people) who want to wield power and control in every task, however trivial. If you think about it, how much work does that really accomplish? Worrying about washing the dishes, cooking, cleaning, etc while also being responsible for the nuclear codes of a country’s nuclear arsenal is inefficient and leaves scope for grave, irreversible mistakes, in this case, deadly sins, so to speak. It is impossible and ineffective for one individual to micro manage everything. Thus the ability to delegate and be effective interdependent managers and independent producers, in other cases, becomes crucial.

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Perfectionism & Creativity

Does perfectionism kill creativity? All of us know someone who is obsessive about hygiene, organizing stuff or keeping everything in an orderly fashion. They are disturbed even at the slightest change in something’s orientation- that monitor has to be ninety degrees to the table and the books have to stand at attention on the shelf. Does this OCD of sorts kill creativity or foster it? Not only a cleanliness OCD, does living a disciplined, austere life which involves following the same routine everyday strangle creativity? The answer is definitely evasive but not far fetched.

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